My Home Life Charity works to support quality of life for all people who live, die, work in and visit Care Homes.

My Home Life Charity is working with the My Home Life Partners in the UK and internationally for positive change in the care and support of older people.
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What’s On – our Blog

A Transition into Care
This is my very personal account of supporting my mother-in-law to move into a care home.

Feature stories for ‘Having caring conversations’
We really cannot underestimate the level of pain people had to go through during the lockdown, being kept away from their loved ones. But the beautiful thing that came out of it was how deeply we got to know our residents.

Another initiative which we introduced during the restrictions and have continued, is the idea of mourning with relatives. What have you put in place to make good ideas happen more of the time?

It was wonderful to do all these lovely things together, for our residents, and we all had a sense of ownership. It made us feel proud of the exciting and engaging things we could come up with.