News and Media



Another initiative which we introduced during the restrictions and have continued, is the idea of mourning with relatives. What have you put in place to make good ideas happen more of the time?

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It was wonderful to do all these lovely things together, for our residents, and we all had a sense of ownership. It made us feel proud of the exciting and engaging things we could come up with.

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So far, we’ve made some useful progress on ‘little’ things as well as quite significant areas of how we operate. For instance, you often hear of the ‘little things that matter’, and how this can make your day.

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But with the restrictions being eased, we went back to our residents, we organised forums during a dedicated period of consultation, to ask detailed questions about how they felt during the lockdown

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Sense of purpose

Sense of purpose

The need to continue to make things happen for our residents gave us a challenge to rise to and being able to rise to the challenge has brought a kind of aspiration to take on difficult tasks.

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Improving health and healthcare

Improving health and healthcare

The COVID-19 Recovery and Rehabilitation project was kindly funded by The Rayne Foundation to help care homes share with each other what they are doing to help individuals living, dying, visiting and working in care homes for older people to move on from COVID-19....

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